Travel Insurance: Emergency Medical Evacuation Benefit Spotlight
July 17, 2023 • By Amy Jo RobertsonNow more than ever, ThirdHome travelers seek flexibility and extra protection to give them confidence in an otherwise uncertain time. Travel insurance can go a long way to ease your mind by providing protection for many common trip disruptions you may encounter. Let’s look at one important benefit included on the travel protection plan offered to ThirdHome members:
Benefit Spotlight: Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage
While nobody likes to think about medical emergencies during travel, it’s important to consider your coverage options so you can travel with greater peace of mind. You may not be aware that Emergency Medical Evacuation coverage is not available on your personal medical insurance plan. This coverage is recommended any time you travel internationally, and especially if you are traveling to more far-flung destinations, such as Antarctica, Australia, Africa, etc. The cost of a medical evacuation can cost up to $30,000, and much more if it’s a complicated evacuation or originating from a more remote or distant destination. The tour protection plan for ThirdHome members includes coverage for up to $1,000,000 in Emergency Medical Evacuation expenses.
How Does It Work?
If an insured traveler is in a situation where a medical transport is needed, the traveler would first need to seek medical attention in their destination. Once they are under the care of a qualified physician (as defined by the insurance plan), arrangements may be made by the Travel Assistance Company contracted with the insurance provider. Any arrangement would be made in coordination with the attending physician at the destination. The Assistance Company would then coordinate with a hospital in the nearest location with “adequate medical facilities” to arrange the transport. The Assistance Company would be the key coordinator among all parties until the patient has returned home to the U.S. For complete coverage details, please refer to the policy document for your state of residence.
Note: a traveler MUST work through the Assistance Company to arrange a medical transport in order to have a viable claim. The transport may not be arranged independently.
Seeking More?
For travelers that seek even more than the emergency medical evacuation coverage offered in the comprehensive tour protection plan, we also offer AirMed. AirMed is a short-term medical evacuation program (non-insurance) for those looking for a flexible, specialized and elite air medical transport option. Travelers typically choose the AirMed option in addition to a comprehensive travel protection plan, not in place of it. You can learn more about AirMed and view pricing here.
If you would like to learn more about the travel insurance plan for ThirdHome members, or to get a free quote, please visit the plan website. If you have questions about plan coverage or would like to speak with someone, please contact the USI Travel Insurance Services Customer Service team at customercare@travelinsure.com or 855.874.0156. Be sure to mention that you are traveling with ThirdHome, account #50054.