Sky News Interview: ThirdHome focuses on expansion in Australia
December 13, 2017 • By THIRDHOME“We’re willing to waive the initiation fee, right now, for everyone in Australia.”- Wade Shealy
Wade Shealy, Founder and CEO of ThirdHome, and Bridget Ramey, of Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty Austin, were featured on a Sky News real estate segment to discuss ThirdHome’s focus on expansion in Australia.
“ThirdHome has become my travel agent and travel guru.”- Bridget Ramey
As ThirdHome continues to grow and develop its relationships in Australia, more properties are sure to emerge for members. If you’ve ever been interested in a trip to Australia, now is a great time to be a ThirdHome member. Keep track of the latest properties Down Under by clicking on the link below!
Click here to see all available ThirdHome properties in Australia.