5 Reasons You Need a Trip Protection Plan

November 16, 2021 • By THIRDHOME


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Announcing ThirdHome’s new partnership with USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services!

Life is full of the unexpected. So is travel, which is why we love it. But sometimes, things can go wrong. Thus, ThirdHome is incredibly excited to announce our partnership with USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services. We want members to be prepared for the uninvited “what-ifs” with a travel insurance plan.

Here are 5 Reasons You Need a Trip Protection Plan 

1. You’ve invested a significant expense in your trip. If you have to cancel, you may lose that money.

Canceling a trip is disappointing enough. You don’t want to lose your entire trip investment on top of it. The Trip Cancellation benefit may provide reimbursement of unused, non-refundable travel arrangements. Read your policy carefully for policy Terms & Conditions, exclusions, and termination provisions. You may purchase the Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) benefit option, and you can cancel your trip for any reason outside those listed in the policy to cover your non-refundable trip costs. (For CFAR coverage, you must purchase your plan within 14 days of your initial trip deposit. Other conditions apply. Read policy for details. Not available to residents of NY).

 2. Once you’ve departed on your trip, plans can still go wrong.

Unfortunately, baggage loss or damage is not uncommon. Neither are travel delays. Our plans offer coverage for these scenarios. And if your trip is interrupted due to an unforeseen event, our plans may cover that too. Read the full list of covered reasons for Trip Interruption in the policy.

 3. You need coverage in case you get sick or injured while away from home.

If you get sick or injured on your trip, access to emergency medical and sickness coverage is important. Many people mistakenly believe medical care outside the United States is free or very cheap. This is not the case, particularly when you’re traveling outside of the U.S. In fact, many travelers have been shocked at the cost of care abroad.

The insurance plan also includes Emergency Medical Evacuation for medically necessary transportation to the nearest hospital or appropriate facility following a covered illness or injury. Read policy for benefit details.

4. The travel insurance plan gives you access to global 24/7 assistance services.

Let’s say your passport was lost or stolen at the airport. Or your prescription medications were left behind at home. Or you twisted your ankle on an excursion and need to find a doctor. Who do you call, and where do you go for help? Your plan comes with access to 24/7 global travel assistance services. If at any point you have any questions during your trip or need assistance, you can call the numbers provided and get immediate assistance.

5. Protect your vacation, plus emergency medical expenses and belongings while traveling.

We hope your trip goes smoothly. But think of your non-refundable financial trip expense. Would you be comfortable losing it in the event of a cancellation? And perhaps more importantly, think of the expense you could face if you become sick or injured while traveling and need emergency medical care or an evacuation. Purchasing travel insurance can help make your trip more enjoyable and relaxing. And that’s the whole point, right? 

For more details on travel insurance benefits and limits, please visit www.travelinsure.com/thirdhome or contact USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services Customer Service at 855-874-0156 and reference ThirdHome account #50054.

*ThirdHome strongly recommends a travel insurance plan; One option is the Tour Protection Plan for ThirdHome travelers underwritten by Starr Indemnity & Liability Company. See website and read the policy carefully for a full list of plan benefits, policy Terms & Conditions, exclusions, and termination provisions.

ThirdHome Policy Note:

Exposure or illnesses related to COVID-19 do not qualify for a refund of Keys or exchange fees under our Terms and Conditions.

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