Announcing a New Experience: My Private Adventure

Have you ever wanted to create your own bespoke THIRDHOME family & friends Adventure?

THIRDHOME is excited to announce My Private Adventures! If you’ve loved the itineraries of past Adventures, but prefer to travel with a group of your own, you are now able to do that through THIRDHOME My Private Adventures. Enjoy all the benefits and exciting features of a THIRDHOME Adventure, but while with the familiar camaraderie of family and friends!

Members can choose their ideal personal travel dates and incorporate tailored experiences based on their unique interests, while deciding how much day-to-day structure works best for their group. Features included in the itineraries will vary by Adventure, but all will be intricately designed and assisted fully by the THIRDHOME Adventures team. The minimum number of guests needed to book is 6, and maximum number of guests also varies by the trip.

There are already three captivating My Private Adventures available for your own gatherings, including My Private Glamping in Patagonia, My Private Cottars Safari, and My Private Cuba! Coming soon are unique My Private Adventure specialty interest themes that will encompass culinary & wine, yoga & wellness and nature-eco safaris. For any questions regarding My Private Adventures, please email

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